Different Types Of Interviews
Skype Interview

How to prepare for skype interview?
It is one of the hiring techniques used by companies for the Fresher job search where there in faraway place or in abroad. And keep in mind you need the same amount of effort for this interview like the regular Face to Face interview.Because the Skype interviews are quiet tricky like the regular interview.So get our simple yet effective Skype interview tips to pass the session.
Group Discussion
What is Group Discussion (GD) – Fresher job vacancy?
The hiring process takes place like a group activity in the Fresher job vacancy interview.This method filters eligible candidates from number of candidate.Follow and read this post to know about Group discussion and tips to easily success in your Job opportunities.

Telephonic Interview
What Is Telephone Interview – IT Jobs For Fresher?

Telephone interview is also one of the filtering methods used by the recruiter in the process of interview. This type of interview happens when you live away from the company or the HR lives away from the interview location. Initially you will get the interview call from the recruiter and if you create a good impression you will move on to the next step. So prepare to face the IT Jobs for fresher interview which can last for maximum of 30 minutes. Now we will discuss “what are the things you should know?” about the telephonic interview.
Stress Interview
What Is Stress Interview – Software Fresher Job Search?
Stress interview is a process of placing the candidate in a stressful situation and seeing if they can overcome the situation in latest IT job opening interview. By doing so they can understand that the candidate will also react the same way to the stressful situation in their work. All you want to know about the stress interview is that don’t take it too personally which can affect the relationship between you and the employer in the long term run of your career. They just test your psychological and physical responses.

Panel Interview

What is Panel Interview?
Panel interview is one of the hiring methods used by the employer to screen the candidates for the job position. The job interview is mainly based on one candidate and a number of interviewers. So the hiring decision is not taken by the single person rather it will decide by the group of people. The group may consist of the hiring manager, team manager and their subordinates. Actually it is an advantage to the hiring authorities which reduces the effect of choosing a less eligible candidate for the position. So know the interviewers in the panel and prepare for the possible questions can reduce the scariness of the panel interview. So understand the tips and tricks to pass the panel interview.