Brendan Eich invented javascript in 1995at Netscape. Netscape first introduced a Javascript interpreter in Navigator2. It became an ECMA standard in 1997. In Early, Javascript named as “LiveScript” in September 1995. Later renamed as Javascript. The main purpose of this language is to develop a Web. Used by both client and server side script language. Then written in HTML page. Major Programming language Sincejavascript is the most required one of the basic IT job.

Purpose:Mobile application, Desktop application, Game development, Animated web design. Javascript is important to create a dynamic and interactive web to users.

Features:Event handling, Validating User’s Input, Object-based Scripting Language, Client side technology, Looping statement, Case sensitive, Control statement, In-build Function

Latest edition is ECMA script9 or ES

ECMA script is the official name of the language


To know Javascript, fresher should have basic knowledge about Html and CSS


*Data Types
*Arithmetic Operation
*String Concatenation
*Build-in objects
*Arithmetic Operation
*String Concatenation
*Build-in objects


*If Statement
*Else Statement
*Else if statement
*Comparison Statement
*Switch statement
*Logical Operators
*Truly and falsy Statement
*Ternary Operators


*Function Declaration
*Calling a function
*Default Parameters
*Parameters and Arguments
*Arrow Functions
*Concise Body Arrow Function


*Create an array
*Update Element
*Accessing Elements
*Array and Functions
*Nested Array
*.length property()
*.push property()
*.pop property()


*Block and Scope
*global Scope
*Scope Pollution
*Practice good scoping


*for loop statement
*While loop statement
*Do-while statement
*Nested loop statement
*Looping in reverse
*Looping through array
*Break keyword

Top tools for Javascript

  1. Gulp
  2. Webpack
  3. Sublime text
  4. Jasmine
  5. Browserify
  6. Eslint
  7. NPM
  8. Travis
  9. Codeship
  10. Circle CI


Javascript framework is a tool to work on for creating website which makes your work simple and easier. Programmers can use this application to design their website and specify the required libraries and functions for designing. Also makes a way for the programmer to code the application .


1. Ember.js

Ember.js is an open source and support two way binding of data. It is accurate for solving complicates User Interface. Client-side framework for designing Web. Ember.js is a Model View Controller javascript framework and also comes up with the latest technology that is been developed for front end web. Websites like Netflix and Linkedln uses Ember.js framework

2. Angular.js

Angular.js is an open source dynamic application for front end web and this is also a Model View Controller framework. It is constructed by google for the use of Single Page Application (SAP). This application keeps on updated based on the market requirement. Google, Apple, Microsoft, MacDonald’s, and so on uses Angular.js

3. React.js

React.js is an open-source Javascript for creating dynamic front-end,Specially for Single page platform. It is not a framework it is just a library designed by facebookto overcome high traffic. And has Virtual DOM(Document object Model)to avoid issues.React provide programmer to design web and change data without reloading the page. Facebook, Testla, BBC are some of the website uses React.js

4. Vue.js

The most widely used framework across the world is Vue.js. It is also designed to make the application fast and user-friendly. It has many optional tools for building user-interface. Supports two way communication because of its MVVM architecture. This framework allows the user to write their template file such as html, Javascript. Laravel, chess and some more websites use this platform

5. Mithril

As all, This framework is also used to develop client side front end web for developing single page Application.  It is the modern framework since it is fast, Maintainable and efficient. Mithril has a template with virtual DOM. Some of the website like nike, fusion TV uses Mithril

6. Meteor

It is a platform for designing website and also mobile application. It is a free and open source and created a javascript programming template for all aspect like web browser, Application and server application. One uniqueness about Meteor is it sends data through wire rather through HTML. Perform through MVC pattern. It is quite less flexible compared to other. Zocdoc, Paypal are some of the website using meteor framework.

7. Polymer

Polymer is an open source designed by google for developing web. It allows the user to reuse html tags for developing website. Polymer is component based Architecture. Using Html, Css and Javascript it allows the user to create their own modules. It provide way for both one-way and two-way data binding. Youtube, facebook uses this kind of framework.