Internet of Things (IoT)

what is the Internet of Things (IoT) with explanation?
The network of physical objects that has IP address in it called Internet of Things (IoT). It is a huge network of connected things and people. They collect and share data around them.
E.g., smart microwave ovens, smart footballs, self-driving cars and temperature sensors.
Internet of Things (IoT) – interconnection of Technology
Understanding Internet of Things (IoT) with practical scenario:
Imagine you are waking up in a morning. Once you switch off the scenario, your heater will automatically on and your coffee brewer starts. Incase if you run out of milk in the fridge, the sensor in the fridge automatically order the milk that you used to buy. And if it is beyond the shelf life it would also notified to you through the mobile application. So this can happen when all of your things are connected in internet and share the data. This is for your understanding of Internet of Things (IoT). And happen in the near future for sure.
Frameworks of IoT:
- Arm Mbed IoT
- Microsoft’s Azure IoT
- Google’s Brillo/Weave IoT
- Calvin IoT
Working of Internet of Things (IoT):
IOT system consists of sensors, connectivity, Data Processing, User Interface. In IoT sensors or devices talk to cloud through connectivity. Once the data has sent to the cloud, software will do some data processing and gives a decision.
Based on the decision the software will send an alert or message to the sensor or do some adjustment to the device or sensor. It doesn’t need any human intervention. Suppose if any major decision or management from the humans is needed, there will be a simple user interface.
Components of IoT
Initially they collect all the information called the data from the environment. And the device contains multiple sensors.
E.g.: mobile phone.
Next the collected data are transferred to cloud through cellular, wifi, Bluetooth or LAN. The connectivity varies with the IoT specification.
Data Processing:
Once the data enters the cloud, the data will get processed. For E.g. the CCTV camera captures an image and sent to the cloud. The mission is to find the intruder. So to find the intruder is a task will be performed in data processing phase.
User Interface:
Once the video get processed the user has to see who the intruder is and it needs some interface. So here comes the User Interface. In some cases it is like turning on or off the Television from the remote place using an application.
Examples of Internet of Things (IoT):
- IoT Wearable
- IoT in Smart Home Applications
- IoT in Health care applications
- IoT for Smart Cities
- IoT in Agriculture
- IoT of connected cars
- IoT in industrial internet
- IoT in smart retail
- IoT in Energy engagement
- IoT in Poultry and farming
Advantages of Internet of Things (IoT):
- The Internet of Things (IoT) grows Artificial Intelligence.
- Reduced cost of things.
- Encourages communication between machines.
- Helps to collect and utilize large number of data.
- Reduced time consumption.
- Better monitoring of all the machines
- Improved quality of life.
Disadvantages of Internet of Things (IoT):
- Privacy will be at risk with all the data being shard.
- Safety is also at risk. Someone hacked you with the details of you stored in the internet is possible.
- Compatibility issues will be there between the devices.
- Any simple bug will create huge consequences in the software and hardware.
- A lot of people will lose their job.
- We will lose our life to technology.
Career Opportunity in IoT:
- Virtual Reality Design
- Business Transformation Practitioner
- Platform Developer
- Professional Triber
- Industrial Network Engineer
- Cloud Architect
- Neuro Implant Technician
- Urban Innovation
- Urban Mechanics
- 3D Print Technician
- Cyber Security Analyst
- Customer Makers
- Machine Learning Scientists
- Network Programmer
- Remote Health care
- Data Scientist
- Digital Anthropologist
- Robotics Specialist
Skill set requirements for IoT fresher’s job:
- Mongodb
- js
- js
- Ionic
- js
- C
- C++
- Java
- JavaScript
- Mean stack
- Python
- R
- Mat labs
In the future we can expect million of things talking to each other without the human intervention. So IoT can make a great impact in the future finding the issues in the environment. IoT is adoption in growing along with manufacturing and utilities. According to statista Research Department there will be more than 75.44 billion devices will connected with IoT in 2025. In the future you can block unwanted access in the router, because IoT makes it more secure.