What is Group Discussion (GD) – Fresher job vacancy?
The hiring process takes place like a group activity in the Fresher job vacancyinterview.This method filters eligible candidates from number of candidate.Follow and read this post to know about Group discussion and tips to easily success in yourJob opportunities.

Group Discussion process – Fresher job vacancy:
Group Discussion actually takes place with 10 to 15 participants. You will be getting 5 minutes as preparation time after you get your GD topic in your Fresher job vacancy interview. The panel members note down the members speaking.The maximum timing of GD goes like 15 minutes. It doesn’t matter how much time you are talking, what does matter is the content. So be precise and clear with what you are talking.
“Keep in mind one who initiates the discussion get plus point and good remarks among the panel members. So don’t wait for someone to start the discussion. Don’t waste your opportunity”
The panel consists of maximum 3 members they look for each special character among the participants.And make a note one of the panel member asks you to summarize and end the discussion. You should take the opportunity to show them that you are active throughout the session. Don’t use any topic that was not discussed throughout the session and waste your Job opportunities.
“Come up with facts rather than mere opinions. To get the spotlight on you over the crowd.”
The moderators wish to see strong exchange of opinions along with thoughtful agreements. Follow the GD discussion rules to avoid mistakes and being eliminated in the process. The main focus is to evaluate that will you be a good fit for the job role in the team. Show yourself that you are a good team player. Be fluent in what you are expressing in the discussion since communication skill is the main thing that they are expecting form you.
Group Discussion Tips – Fresher job vacancy:

- Read at least two newspapers and watch news with latest updates. The news must contain local, national, economic and environmental news. Don’t miss out the finance and sports column in your newspaper.
- Since talking facts rather than talking about mere opinions add more advantage for you. One of the most important tasks for you to prepare for the knowledge rich content in various topics.
- Always present yourself as a leader. When the GD head announce you the topic, get your thoughts gathered and start the topic. If you can’t gather, no problem you can continue your speech by agreeing or disagreeing your previous speaker.
- Speak your ideas don’t just simply follow other speakers ideas. Remember your elimination is around the corner. Use your opportunity to create an impact among the group members.
- Communication skills which is you need to improve before going to the GD for your Job opportunities. Because you need this skill to express your thoughts in your mind. Without this skill you can’t express others what you are thinking about.
- Note your Body Language;it makes a lot of impact in your Fresher job vacancy interview session. Sit straight and listen to others. Don’t fidget it will show others that you are distracted. Avoid all negative body movements like rolling your eyes and crossing your arms.
- Improve your listening skills.It adds advantage to the way you speak and improve your communication too. Show that you are an active participant of the discussion by nodding your head.
- Finally I have no ideas to speak. No problem, just listen carefully from starting and when it’s time to close the conversation summarize all the points and present them. Be a smart worker and utilize the Job opportunities.
How you will be evaluated in the Group discussion – Fresher job vacancy?
Evaluation parameters:

The most important thing is that you should speak up the fact about the topic and don’t get deviated from the topic. For that you must have prepare the repeated topics and know about the things around the world.Be confident while you produce the content. Demonstrate your leadership quality by starting the conversation. Don’t get nervous since it’s all about your Fresher job vacancy interview session.
Group behavior is one of the evaluation parameter. It will be checked because it proves that you can work in the group or not. Don’t dominate others rather encourage others. You may have all the skills but without communication skills you can’t express anything. So practice and improve your communication.Be audible at the same time don’t shout.
Be creative always think out of box, which will show the interviewer that you can solve the problem in your work in different aspect. Always listen to the discussion carefully. Don’t be a poor listener since panel notices everything. Give eye contact nod to the speaker gather all the information being spoken it will be useful for you to summarize the discussion. Use the Job opportunities for the favor.
Mistakes to avoid in the Group Discussion – Fresher job vacancy:
- Speak up:Don’t just close your mouth. Since the main thing of the Fresher job vacancy interview is to check your communication skills.
- Don’t rush up: Starting the discussion without gathering much knowledge always look like a mess. Don’t start the discussion in haste.
- Don’t be aggressive: Politely express your thoughts. Being loud and not allowing others to speak up also add negative marks.
- Single entry is not enough: Use all the opportunity and don’t regret it later. Strengthen your view point by speaking up more than one time at the same time don’t deviate from the main point.
- Concentration: It is one of the important parameter. Don’t get deviate from the main point. Do focus and don’t get sentimental. It is just a Fresher job vacancy interview so don’t personally attack others.
Common GD topics – Fresher job vacancy:
- Is linking Aadhaar to bank privacy?
- Digital India
- Clean India
- Work-life balance
- Education system in India
- Support E-Commerce or the retail shop?
- Air Pollution
- Hard work Vs. Smart work
- Which is important water or oxygen?
- Be a leader or be a follower?
- About diversity in India
- Is Yoga compulsory in schools?
- Mobile phones impact
- Is our kids are safe?
- What kills creativity in the modern age?