Google Fuchsia

google fuchsia

What is Google Fuchsia OS and its main purpose?

Google develops an open source Operating System called Fuchsia. Fuchsia is meant by “Pink + Purple”. It is a microkernel based Operating System. Pink it is referred as the Apples first microkernel based Operating System and Purple is I phone’s codename.

Fuchsia development platform = Flutter

Fuchsia programming language = Dart

Google Fuchsia OS summary:

Fuchsia uses new Kernel called Magenta instead of Linux. It is designed for future mobile, computer with fast processors. This magenta’s app and system UI are written in Google Flutter SDK. This is designed to create cross platform app for android and iOS. So the flutter framework is writer in Dart. So all the system and app are rendered through “Escher”. This uses “Vulkan” to display everything.

Features of Google Fuchsia OS:

  1. Universal Operating System.
  2. Run smoothly on Smartphone and Tablets.
  3. Very handy to use and more efficient.
  4. Compared to Android and Chrome OS Fuchsia is light weight.
  5. Fuchsia controlled by Google whereas Android controlled by the users.

Characteristics of Google Fuchsia OS:

  • Google Fuchsia has a custom kernel called Zircon.
  • It enables the direct access of the kernel.
  • Google Fuchsia is Assistant friendly.
  • It support cross platform.
  • The User Interface is made up of Material Design.
  • The taskbar of Google Fuchsia is similar to a start button.
  • It contains Quick Settings, Google Feed, and Recent Apps.
  • More enhanced features from Android OS can be expected in the future.
  • The system works like building the app one time and running theme on the multiple OS platforms.
  • The system security remains the same even after the system upgrade.

Prerequisites of Google Fuchsia OS:

To use this OS you have to build your environment first. Follow the below steps for debian and macOS.

For Debian:

sudo apt-get install build-essential curl git python unzip

 For macOS:

To install command line tools,

 xcode-select –install

Additionally you have to install XCODE.

What will be the future of Google Fuchsia?

Google Fuchsia will solve most of your disadvantages of android. And it will have flutter as its native SDK, which in turn helps to avoid all the illegal issues with oracle. This makes it faster than the other independent platform.  This will provide High performance with 120 frames per second. Supports volumetric soft shadows through rendering engine called Escher. It also has multiple mouse pointers.

The Armadillo interface of Google Fuchsia OS:

Google Fuchsia OS has new UI system called Armadillo. It can be compiled as Android APK since it is written with Flutter SDK. The home screen will contain the date, time and battery details. It also contains the profile picture. It works similarly to the android screen. This also able to combine stories into Story Cluster. This is more flexible than the Androids recent multi-tasking functionality.

Google Fuchsia OS support android through android runtime:

Google Fuchsia is specially designed version of ART (Android Run Time). This ART can be installed on any Fuchsia device using .far file which is similar to Android’s APK. Nothing is clear up to now. But one thing is clear that is Fuchsia will run android application.

Will Google Fuchsia OS going to replace android in 5 years?

Google has been working on the compatibility of Fuchsia with Android’s Libcore. That is in the Android’s Gerrit source code management. Libcore is the very basic of Android usage of java. Which created a unique term called “ojluni”. It means

Ojluni – OpenJDK Lang, Util, Net, IO

These are the principal of utilizing java in open JDK. So all this indicates that Fuchsia will run java code. With few revealed on Google Fuchsia OS, we come to the conclusion that it’s going to be different to work on the Fuchsia for Zircon rather than on Linux for Android.


Android has been released way before iPhone. And has faces many issues with android like getting updates in the entire ecosystem of devices. So Fuchsia is believed to overcome all these types of issues in the future. It has more stable security feature than the android. Fuchsia can easily adopt all type of screen sizes. And can power things from your doorbell to your coffeemaker. From this we come to know that Google Fuchsia can ditch android which also means that it can ditch kernel which is the center of android.