Entire world is in one click just because of the revolution created by ANDROID. This platform brought a huge change and gave a challenge of what ANDROID can’t do. This made our life simple.

Android developer is a Specialist in developing the Application also known as Software developer. It is considered to be a great scope because of its Open Source. Android Operating System can be done on Windows, Linus and Mac. It has its strong market value competing with Apple. For Fresher we suggest the needs and ways to become the Android Developer.
Tools used in Android
1. Android SDKAnd Android studio
2. Eclipse
1. Android SDK
Android Software Development kit is one of the tool kit that helps the developer to create an application in Android. Whenever google updates their Android version corresponding SDK is also released. It paves the way for creating application for hardware platform, Operating system, Software Framework, Videogame etc. Android SDK includes
- Required Libraries
- Debugger
- An emulator
- Sample source code
- Tutorials for the Android OS
Android Studio
It is an Integrated Development Environment(IDE) exclusively for creating application. It can be downloaded from Windows, Linux and Mac. Some of features of Android Studio are
- Fast Emulator
- Visual Layout Editor
- Instant App Run
- Intelligence Code Editor
- Addition of New Activity as a Code Template
- Support KOTLIN
- C++ and NDK Support
2. Eclipse
Eclipse is an IDE for application using programming language like C, C++, JAVA, PERL, Python, Ruby. It can be also be used for any programming language to which it has its Plug-in. Some of the advantages of using Eclipse is
- Most used JAVA IDE
- Rich Client Platform
- Refactoring
- Code Completion
- Navigation
- Error Debugging
- Free and Open Source
Android code examples for Freshers
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RelativeLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
package com.example.myfirstapp;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.view.View;
import android.widget.Button;
import android.widget.Toast;
import com.google.firebase.database.ValueEventListener;
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
Button button;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
button = (Button) findViewById(R.id.bb);
button.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View view) {

Languages to be known for Android Developer
The basic language of Android development is JAVA. It is the simplest language for creating Android Application which is also mostly supported language by Google. Freshers must be strong in Java concepts to be an Android Developer. Some of the concepts are Object-oriented, Basic Data type, Variables, Methods.
Kotlin also works on Java virtual Machine. It is a simple language for beginners. Kotlin is the best platform for developing android Application. It has tool like kotlin android Extension.
Basics of SQL is much needed to apply Database concept in Android Application. This language is used to frame queries and retrieve information from Database. Most concept of MySQL, SQL server, Oracle or SQLite. Almost commonly used on server is MySql can be worked for Web Application. SQL is mainly used for storing information in a table and retrieving whenever needed. Frequently used SQL code is CREATE, INSERT, DELETE, UPDATE, ALTER.
XML is Extensible Markup Language which to similar to HTML in terms of describing Data. XML syntax helps in performing tasks like User Interface Layouts. It can even done through Android Studio. XML is mainly used in transferring Data.
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- Hakuna Matata Solution
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- Blisslogix Technology Solution
- Mavin App
- Ideas 2IT Technologies
Most Frequently asked Question for Fresher in Android Developer Interview
1. What is an Android?
Android is an operating system which is Linux based and specially designed for smartphones and tablets. It is an open source Operating System. Android is a platform that supports number of Application.
2. What are the advantage of using Android Operating System?
The current trending operating system is Android. The most valid advantage of using Android OS is
- Open Source
- Supports Multi-Languages
- Support Java
- Fast Web Browser
- Supports Mp4, MPEG4, Video call
- Support 2D, 3D Graphs
- Affordable
- Widgets
- User Interface
3. What are the components necessary for Android Project?
The major components of android are
- Intents
- Activities
- Services
- Content provider
- Broadcast receiver
4. What is .apk in an Android?
Apk isan Android Package Kit used by Android Operating System for installation of mobile application. Similar to the windows .exe, .apk is the extention for android.
5. What is Android SDK?
Software Development Kit is a kind of developing tool used to foster application in android. It has graphical Interface which help to check and debug code. Android SDK includes
- An Emulator
- Debugger
- API’s
- Source Code
- Required Library
- Sample Source Code
- Tutorials for the Android OS
6. Tools used for debugging in Android?
- Android Studio
- AVD Manager
- Eclipse
- Stetho
- Debug Drawer
- App Spector
7. What are Intents?
An application page can connect to other page through Intent object. Popup Notification of an application are done by intent. It is used as an object to communicate between android components. Types of intent are
- General Intent
- Specific Intent
- Constructive Intent
8. What is AIDL?
It is Android Interface Definition Language it pave the way to share your data from existing to current application. It is a programming interface where client and server communicate each other using Inter process Communication with .aidlextention. Datatype supported by AIDL
- String
- Char Sequence
- List
- Map
- Int, long, char and boolean
9. Sensors in Android?
It is an in-build sensor which sense data with high accuracy. Some sensors are Software based and some are Hardware based. The categories of sensor are
*Motion Sensor
*Environment Sensor
*Position Sensor
10. What are the languages supported by Android?
Java, Kotlin, C, C++, C#, BASIC, HTML, CSS, JAVAScript