Jamsetji Tata and F.C.Kohli founded TCS in 1848 and established in 1968. It is an Indian Multinational Information(IT) service company. Headquaters is in Mumbai, Maharashtra. TCS is supplementary of Tata group and its been functioning in 46 countries. It is been ranked 3rd most valued IT service brand globally in 2018-19. In Dec 2015,ranked 10th on Fortune India 500 list. TCS hired 20,000 freshers in the last year. As many as 40,000 job offers were made to fresh graduates in 2015 and the same was 35,000 in 2016
Quality provided by TCS are Cognitive Business operation, Consulting, Analytics and insights, Automation&AT, IOT, Cloud application, Blockchain, Cloud Infrastructure, Cyber security, Tcs interactive, Industrial Engineering, Quality Engineering, Enterprise Application, Conversational Experience.
Advanced drug development, Connected Intelligence Platform, ERP on cloud, TCS HOBS
Recruitment Process
4 rounds to select a fresher
- Written Round
- Technical Round
- Managerial Round
- HR Round
WRITTEN ROUND – Analytical test – 90 mins and Email writing – 10 mins
*Quantitative Aptitude Test
Number of questions expected is 15 and 30 minutes of time is allotted. Questions are expected from Time, Speed and Distance, Probability, HCF&LCM, Clocks and Calendar, Percentage, Ratio, Proportion and average, Number system, Permutation and Combination, Allegation and Mixture, Work and Time, Equation, Reasoning, Profit and Loss, Series and Progression, Problem on Ages, Arrangement and series.some examples of Quantitative Aptitude.
*Programming Language Test
Number of Questions expected is 10 duration is 20 minutes. Question will be from Functions and scope, Variables, Data Types, C- Input and output, Registers, Array, Polymorphism, Abstraction, Loops, Command Line theory, Queue, Linked list.
*Coding Round
Only one question will be asked in this section and the allotted time is 30 minutes. Questions will be from C, C++, Python, Perl, Java
15 questions appear for this section duration will be 10 minutes and mostly fill in the blanks
*Email writing
Fresher recruitment in TCS should have some basic knowledge about Data Structure, Algorithms,DBMS,Operating System, Networking, OOPS concepts and some programming language. Some of the frequently asked questions
- Different storage class in C
- What are Macros
- What is an Object, Pointer, Class
- What is function overloading
- Difference between an array and list
- What is Data structure
- What is Doubly link list
- What is command Line Argument
- What is cache memory
- What is encryption and decryption
After technical round next is managerial it is also an another technical round and even test your stress level. So candidates are asked to answer with confidence. Interviewer makes you feel discomfort or push you come out of your shell will even test your patience but candidates should answer them politely and stay calm.
Final process of interview. Frequently asked HR questions are
*Tell me about yourself
*What is your opinion about Team Work
*What are your hobbies
*Will you relocate
*Adoptable with night shifts
*Who inspired to became an Engineer
*Tell me about Dream job
*Who is the founder of TCS, Present CEO
Since they recruit more number of candidate at a time, they might receive their call letter in 6 months or even it may extend to 1 year
Documents to be submitted
Fresher recruitment in TCS candidate should submit their
*Photo of any Government ID proof – Passport, Driving License, Aadhar card, PAN card.
*Passport Size photo
*TCS online Application form
*Updated Resume
*Mark sheet of all semesters and 10th, 12th Certificate