Artificial Intelligence

Best definition of artificial intelligence with examples:
Artificial Intelligence is called machine intelligence. The simulation of human intelligence process by machines is called AI. Major application of AI includes Speech recognition, machine vision and Natural language Processing (NLP). Main aim is to build a machine capable of doing task that actually requires human intelligence.
Working of Artificial Intelligence:
AI works on three phases. They are learning, reasoning and self-correction. Artificial Intelligence took a lot of area like Gmail auto reply, reply suggestion, spam filters and smart replies.
Learning process:
In this process collects data and set rules on how to use the data. The rules called algorithms the step by step instruction to finish a task.
Reasoning process:
Based on the task the right algorithm has to chosen to get the desired output.
Self-correction process:
Self-correction process designed for constant fine tuning of the algorithms and to provide the most accurate result as possible.
Top 10 best examples of artificial intelligence
- Siri:
We are all familiar with Apple voice assistant. She uses machine learning technology to get better prediction to give solutions to our requests.
- Alexa:
You can build a smart home with Amazons Alexa a voice assistant. It can decipher voice command from anywhere in the room. One of the revolutionary products using Artificial intelligence.
- Boxever
It is a travel company which relies a lot on the machine leaning and artificial intelligence. And it helps in customer service through micro-moments.
- Nest:
Nest owned by Google. It is a thermostat which works based on the behavioral algorithm. It can check your favorite temperature and maintain it. Once it’s done it will turn off to save energy.
- Netflix:
It offer recommendation based on the interest, reaction, choices and behavior. This would need an algorithm to compare the number of movies on your previous history.
- Tesla:
AI begins to take over the automobiles too. Since Tesla is one of them. Features such as self driving and predicting capabilities are the highlights.
- Pandora:
Pandora called the musical DNA. More than 400 musical characters are manually analyzed by professional musicians. The system has incredible track record.
- Cogito:
This company is the best example of the combination of the Artificial Intelligence and behavioral adaptation. It improves the customer service voice calls.
- com:
This Amazon Artificial Intelligence algorithm works on finding the interested products and suggesting them. It is getting acutely smart day by day.
- Google’s prediction:
Artificial Intelligence helps in the Google searches. Predictive searches are the data that Google collects about you in the past history. Then the AI attempts to guess what you are actually searching for.
Types of artificial intelligence:
The game changer in the data and analytics technology called Artificial Intelligence. And it can categorized into three types based on its functionality and the level of intelligence embedded into them.
Artificial Narrow intelligence:
It is also called weak AI. AI in this time called narrow intelligence. The machine intelligence that uses natural language processing is some of the examples. They are also used in medicine to diagnose cancer.
Artificial General intelligence:
This will be more or less equal to human but the technology is under process. Self awareness and Reactive machines are some examples. Human brain related algorithm is the main goal of this type.
Artificial Super intelligence (ASI):
The machine can actually think and perform like human being. In other words AI is more capable than the humans. Decision making, relationship and arts which are all considered for humans can also done by ASI.
It is applying human ethics to robotics. A hypothetical robot that equipped with conscience and freedom to choose its own action.
Advantages of Artificial intelligence:
- Can used in life threatening process such as mining and fuel exploration process.
- Repetitive works can carried out at high speed.
- Rational decision maker.
- Day to day personal assistance in means of digital assistance. E.g.: Google map.
- Plays a great role in neurological disorder rectification and radio surgery.
- Full time availability and perform no error.
Disadvantages of Artificial intelligence:
- Implementation cost is very high.
- Humans can’t replicated.
- Can’t cope up with dynamic environment.
- The experience won’t improve their intelligence.
- No moral values
What will be the future of Artificial Intelligence – future scope?
- Reinforcement learning is on the run. The trick to make the algorithm learn what is good and what is bad. So to make it take the best decision in the future.
- Emotion bots are robots with emotional quotient. So that they can able to take correct decision from reading the context using Artificial Intelligence.
- Face recognition adopted in iPhone X to unlock the phone using the phone owner. Then it is also used in the police for identifying the criminals using face recognition algorithm.
- Cyber security uses Artificial Intelligence to stop credit card fraudulency. This detection system will scan thousand of card at the same time.
- Weaponry and space exploration: Unmanned shuttles, rovers and probes of NASA already used Artificial Intelligence.
From the article we learn that we are already using AI technology. And we need some plans and exposure about AI. So we can control Artificial Intelligence. And make use of it in a good way. AI used in healthcare, business, education, finance, law, manufacturing and banking. But it is quiet a dangerous delight so we must issue laws and guidelines to use Artificial Intelligence so it won’t take over us.